Minutes of the PARTS meeting on December 8th, 2001

New club president Pete Skeggs opened the meeting by introducing the officers who were elected at the November 3rd meeting. Pete announced that the PARTS executive board was soliciting feedback (via a questionnaire) about possible future activities. Questionnaires were distributed to all attendees and collected at the conclusion of the meeting. Results will be shared at (or before) the next PARTS meeting.

Pete reported that Dana has been working on registering PARTS as a non-profit Oregon corporation. This would ensure tax-exempt status for PARTS and make it possible for the club to receive and award donated items as prizes at PARTS competitions. Registration with the State of Oregon and the IRS is nearing completion.

Pete reported that eight PARTS members served as volunteers at the ORTOP Lego League competition at Wilsonville High School on December 1st. Approximately 900 junior high and middle school students participated in the robotics competition.

Pete provided information about the next PARTS competition. It is tentatively scheduled for May, but probably will not be held at OMSI. OMSI is offering no support, would require the event to be held on a Sunday, would charge $100 to use the room we used last year, and would require that we not occupy any hallway space outside the room. Pete said that OMSI might view our use of the room differently if we were to re-cast our event to be more educational rather than a competition. The Smith Center ballroom at Portland State University (two blocks from the site of the monthly PARTS meetings) is the leading location at present. Pete asked for volunteers to assist with planning and running the competition. Tim Rohaly, Dana Weesner, Steve Davee, Daryl Sandberg, Larry Geib, Brett Nelson, Jonathan Fant and Matt Ivey volunteered for the planning committee. Marty Fadness and Rick Farmer volunteered for day-of-the-show assistance.

The next meeting of PARTS will be January 5th, 2002.