Picture of October meeting

Saturday - October 6, 2001

The start of the meeting was delayed by about 10 minutes because our regular meeting room was locked. Pete and Daryl managed to secure Room 130 in the nearby Business Administration building.

Dan Gates reported on a conversation and email exchange he had with Dave Calkins, a robot builder Dan met at the recent San Francisco robotics competition. Dave proposes allowing robotics clubs like ours to become local chapters of the Robotics Society of America: http://www.robots.org the main robotics club in San Francisco. Dave contends that this would allow local clubs to share the umbrella organization's non-profit status. Dave has several goals in mind, including streamlined non-profit status reporting, centralized reporting of competition results to ensure equitable seeding in regional tournaments, standardization of surfaces and markings for maze and line-following competitions, group discounts from parts vendors and creation of a speakers bureau, among others. Following some brief discussion, we decided that our joining this umbrella organization at some later time would not affect our need to approve by-laws for our own club.

We first took a voice vote to determine if the attendees had reviewed and understood the by-laws. No members voiced opposition to voting on the by-laws as posted on the PARTS web site. A hand vote followed to ensure the actual number of votes in each category. 24 attendees cast votes in favor of approval, no attendees voted in opposition, and 8 attendees abstained from voting.

At next month's meeting we will need to vote for four officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Any club member who is interested in serving in one of these capacities should become familiar with the duties of the office specified in the by-laws and make his or her intentions known via the PARTS discussion group.