Minutes of the PARTS meeting on January 5th, 2002

Pete Skeggs opened the meeting by discussing the results of the questionnaires that were completed at the December meeting. One area that many members favored (but which wasn’t defined) was “technical work sessions”. Members suggested that this might include servo modification, special interest groups or post-meeting demonstrations, help for teens or newcomers and conversations with other robot builders. Most members favored mini-competitions at meetings; Warren can add a schedule of mini-competitions to the club web page. The events that most members indicated that they’d participate in include (in decreasing order) mini-sumo, line following, maze running, micro-sumo, soccer and firefighting. Members indicated that they favored adding demonstrations or displays to robotics events.

Pete announced that the planning committee for this year’s competition had met once already, and had decided to hold the event on Sunday, May 19th, at the Smith Center Ballroom on the Portland State University campus. Rick Farmer showed the prototype Mk III mini-sumo for this year’s competition using a board he designed. Pete Skeggs showed the prototype Mk III mini-sumo using a board that Tim Rohaly designed. Pete also showed the proposed wheel design for the Mk III mini-sumo, featuring cylinders cut from PVC electrical conduit. More details about both the event and the robot kits will be available in the coming weeks.

Dana Weesner reported that a federal TIN (taxpayer identification number) had been assigned to PARTS, but that registration with the state of Oregon was not yet complete.

The next meeting of PARTS will be February 2nd, 2002.