Monty Goodson started the meeting by mentioning about needing volunteers for PDXBOT.04 and that he will pass around a sign up sheet. He also mentioned there is over 6 thousand dollars worth of prizes at the event. That includes a color oscilloscope from Tektronix. He then opened the meeting for questions.
Pete Skeggs then spoke up and showed an article from the Mercury paper and the Oregonian. He then passed them around so everyone could see. The Mercury article was mainly about Mark Medonis. Pete Skeggs also opened up registration so people could get that done early. This included taking a picture of the robot for registration, etc.
Monty Goodson then introduced two of the students who have been working in the P.S.U. robotics lab and their contribution to the PDXBOT.04, mainly the food vendor for this year event. They gave a summary on what they are working on and plan to bring to PDXBOT.04. This includes the Korean theater using masks that talk, other humanoid robot android made out of a manikin with a head and a scorpion robot.
Larry Geib brought in the T-shirt for the PDXBOT.04 for members the cost is $15 and for non-members $17.50. He then showed a sample of the awards. Larry also showed his fish for $8.88 at Target that swam better than robotic fish from Seattle.
Monty Goodson then showed and demonstrated his Robosapien robot that walks and has arms. It cost $100 at Best Buy and is made to be hackable as explained in articles in the Servo magazine. It has preprogrammed sequences and you can program sequences. It has sensors that it can react to.
Monty Goodson then stated that the meeting was for a hack fest where the group brought their robots to work on for the PDXBOT.04 event etc. Some people brought their robots to work on them and some did practice mini sumo practice matches. There were parts of line following course to practice on and some practices on the walker course that was brought in.