Portland Area Robotics Society

Regular Meeting Minutes

Dec 2, 2006, 10:30AM



1.      Presentations:

a.       Intro to PID %Gโ€“%@ Loren McConnell

2.      PDXBot Alert %Gโ€“%@ Roger Ray

3.      Table-top Line Maze challenge %Gโ€“%@ Monty Goodson

4.      News & Reports

a.       Show-and-tell




1.    Intro to PID.

The content of this discussion was not recorded. The note-taker was the presenter.




We need volunteers and organizers to help with planning of PDXBot. We need help running events, and ’กศspcialists’กษ. Please contact Roger Ray if you have any interest in helping out.


Line Maze Competition

The competition this month is design a robot to turn at the third intersection on a line-maze map. The robot should detect and ignore the first two turns on the map, and take the third one, regardless of its direction. Further details were posted to the PARTS mail list.
Next month, we will add a more complex challenge. The robot must detect the goal marker and dead-ends.