Portland Area Robotics Society

Regular Meeting Minutes

Dec 1, 2007, 10:30AM



1.      Welcome and Announcements

2.      PARTS administrative initiatives voting

3.      PARTS executive officer elections.

4.      Presentations:

a.       PARTS Administrative elections

b.      PARTS Executive Elections %G–%@ Roger Ray

c.       "Pleo and the LifeOS" -- a discussion with Pete Skeggs about the Pleo dinosaur robot by Ugobee

5.      News Reports

a.       Show-and-tell


1.      We need to get started on PDXBot 2008. Anyone interested in leading the planning and organization should contact Roger Ray.

Executive Elections

With 19 members present of 30 paid members, we conducted voting on two administrative issues, and voted for executive officers.


PDXBOT venu8e expense approval -- $1900 to reserve the venue for PDXBot '08.

18 approved. None opposed

New PARTS membership Dues structure.

18 approved. None opposed.

Payment of dues is now on the Honor System. We encourage paid membership, but will paid membership is not required for participation. Dues support club activities, such as to pay for our meeting room. The suggested membership price is $20/year, but $1 qualifies for a paid membership. Dues of $40 or more qualifies as a Sponsoring Membership, entitling the member to choose the main discussion topic at a club meeting. We will conduct pledge drives as needed, should membership payments be insufficient to meet club expenses. This dues structure will be revisited in one year.



Executive Elections

Executive Elections

Taking nominations over the last month, Roger has recruited a slate of officer nominees. The nominees ran unopposed.



Robert Scheer. Elected by unanimous vote!

Vice President

Fred Stevens. Elected by unanimous vote!


Larry Ossowski. Elected by unanimous vote!


Mark Gross. Elected by unanimous vote!




"Pleo and the LifeOS" -- a discussion with Pete Skeggs about the Pleo dinosaur robot by Ugobee

Pete Skeggs has been working for almost two years on prototypes for a new robot "toy" called Pleo. The company producing Pleo is called Ugobee.

Fan website: www.pleodinosaur.com.