PARTS Mini-Sumo Robot Kit: Sensor Options |
Sensors for the Mini-Sumo KitA Mini-Sumo robot can work without any sensors other than the white-line sensor. However, by adding a proximity sensor, the robot can find his opponent and thus have a better chance of winning. Otherwise, the robot runs blind, and can only win by shear luck. A proximity sensor is the technical term for a device which can detect the presence of another object nearby. There are many possible methods for performing such detection, including measuring reflected light (infrared), reflected sound (sonar), or reflected microwaves (radar). The Mark II robot kit includes a low-cost proximity sensor board and all necessary parts, including the hard to find Sharp IS471F sensors, at half the cost of the proximity sensors in the Mark I kit. However, this low-cost sensor board does require assembly. Here are some other ideas for sensors for the kit:
last updated 2/25/2001 |